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.: Corporate Events :.

Did you know that you had the next Mariah Carey working for you?

Is tomorrow’s American Idol in the copy room?

Unleash the hidden talents of your employees and watch them shine and have a great time!!!

Planning a special corporate event?

Karaoke is a great way to promote team building and group participation!

Flipside Productions provides the very best karaoke in the business. Our selection dwarfs the rest.

From pop to hip-hop, R&B to rock, current or classic...

you’re sure to find the perfect song for you in our books.

Call today to ensure availability.


If there are onions in any dish

Pia will sit and pick out every last

single piece, even if it takes two hours

and her food gets cold.


W E D D I N G S   •   C O R P O R A T E   E V E N T S    •   S W E E T   S I X T E E N S   •   P R I V A T E   F U N C T I O N S

T E L E P H O N E:  8 7 7 . 4 . F L I P S I D E   •   7 3 2 . 2 4 5 . 5 4 1 3   •   F A R M I N G D A L E,  N E W   J E R S E Y

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