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Since we always try to change things up a little to keep our shows fresh and fun, we’ve decided to adopt something you usually see in coffee shops.


You know those little cards that they give you when you come in and order your double, half-caff, venti, latte???


They punch a hole in the card, or stamp it each time you order one and once you’re wired on a dozen cups of coffee - guess what? - they give you one more for free!


Well the FLIPSIDE FAN - BAKER’S DOZEN works similarly.

For those of you who come to nearly every FLIPSIDE show to sing and have a great time, we wanted another way to say "thank you".

This is what we’ve come up with...we’ve printed up special FLIPSIDE FAN cards and once you get yours, all you have to do is keep doing what you’ve always done.

Come to the shows regularly, sing, eat, drink and be merry. At the end of each night, show us your card accompanied with a sales receipt of $15.00 or more and we’ll stamp your card.

Once you’ve collected a baker’s dozen (13) stamps, bring the card back to any one of our shows and you’ll get to come up center stage and sing TWO SONGS BACK-TO-BACK.

.: How do I get mine? :.

For your FLIPSIDE FAN card, email us at:


Be sure to include your mailing address, and we’ll mail one out to you pronto so that you can start collecting stamps.


1. A sales receipt of $15.00 or more must be presented before your card can be stamped.

2. You must collect a baker’s dozen (13) stamps before the card is eligible.

3. Only the first two (2) complete cards will be accepted on any given night. Once two (2) completed cards have been accepted, any other completed cards will have to be used on another night.

4. Completed cards must be presented by 10:00pm on the night you want to use it. Completed cards presented after 10:00pm will have to be used on another night.

5. Use discretion when picking your songs. If you write down songs like: American Pie, Stairway To Heaven, Paradise By The Dashboard Light, or Suite Judy Blue Eyes, or any other songs, longer than five minutes...      

I’ll make you change them.

W E D D I N G S   •   C O R P O R A T E   E V E N T S    •   S W E E T   S I X T E E N S   •   P R I V A T E   F U N C T I O N S

T E L E P H O N E:  8 7 7 . 4 . F L I P S I D E   •   7 3 2 . 2 4 5 . 5 4 1 3   •   F A R M I N G D A L E,  N E W   J E R S E Y

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